You can go build your own you know you can kind of build a file or or or have a public place to demonstrate the kind of puzzles you've worked on if you visualize something really really cool obviously I don't mean to say that take sensitive information that you work on it and kind of display it but if there is a way to desensitize it or there are projects outside of work that you've worked on that are that are more easily shareable share it and show that you you can do this work you need to prove that you are an expert you nobody's going to take your word for it info right.

So and the final thing on that is if you are working in the kind of industry which a lot of you might be where you cannot share work which with I think the sensitive work on projects you can talk about right welcomed projects outside of work that you can talk about you use the skills that you built at work to do projects outside of work isn't awkward and a little later we talk about community different projects and things like that that you can contribute but when the portfolio brings the body of work that you can actually go and show to people and in addition to this developer story.

I'd let it be clear what your stories think of your bio as kind of the abstract of a story that you're writing right when you go to a publisher and you're trying to pitch them a book or you go to a magazine and each other I'm going to write this article the first thing you need to tell them is hey here's the head like this and I don't mean a one-line headline but ears we hear the main points this is the narrative this is what's going to happen and that's what you need to be able to tell and in in the startup circles, people would call this the elevator pitch but have an elevator pitch for yourself think about what your story is you are not a replaceable kind of fungible software programmer or technology professional who knows you know whatever skills you know it's a lot more than that you are a person who has a set of skills and competencies.

You're good at certain things you're strong in certain things emphasize those strengths it is really important because a lot of people make the mistake of just you know checking the boxes and making sure that you you know you you sure that you know 25 different things the reality is nobody in the world is is an expert on 25 different things like you're really very good and in a couple of things you are really really strong in a couple of dimensions and then you could be competent in a lot of others but but you have some strengths and make sure that you show those so it's not it's not enough to say I know these 25 things it's more important or impressed if I was a recruiter to come and say hey this person is you know completely off the charts in in this it you know this person is fantastic at digital marketing this person is knows process automation better than anybody else this person knows is a machine learning genius at this person can look at any piece of data and make sense of really complicated data oh by the way he can also he or she can also you know write code in Python.

All of these other things and by the way they also know visualization and by the way, they also have a project management certificate and all of that stuff so all of those are competencies that help but they are not will get you I do you get hired because of the one or two dominant features and that's what you need to emphasize and in this and then final point on that is if you advance in your career what skills led you to the advance I think that you don't get you don't necessarily advance because you are a baseline competent in a lot of things you typically advance. After all, you're really good at talking so think about what that really good at something is to ask your colleagues ask your friends our trusted advisors what is it about you that that really impresses them and then and then emphasizes those points and obviously.

I said get scaled upfront this is something that it should come as no surprise learn new things I develop the kind of skills that would be relevant five years from now obviously they need to be somewhat relevant now otherwise if you know it seems entirely futuristic but think ahead right don't think about things that only have a short lifetime think about things that will five years from now be or will be just as relevant and pertinent if not more and then the reason I say five years is because it's hard for us to think a lot beyond that but obviously you know most of the areas that.

I've listed out here whether it's artificial intelligence machine learning engine ml analysis whether it's automation you know our past is what a person's automation testing robocalling of advisory all of these things are not going away for the next five years right so in fact they're only going to become an increasing part of our lives and professional life so it's important to develop this kind of skills you know information and cybersecurity are going to be relevant pretty much across the board and we need to think about everything becoming automated and online and all devices being connected and things like that.

I mean guess what the world is hackable your life is XO you know security becomes increasingly important everybody talks about Internet of Things what is the Internet of Things is the fact that your fridge in can talk to your phone which can talk to your you know your lights at home which can talk to your security guard and basically you are completely out of the picture and everything gets automatic right and that connected everything self-driving cars all of these mean that that you know routine judgment process taken away from you and automated and this is again I mean navigability obviously we think we're at the forefront of this scene things like Amazon echo and you know the recently launched for what it's called but you know Apple launched a product is competing with Amazon echo went ahead and connected speakers and things like that and all of these are relevant okay.

What's true of all all of these technologies as every one of these things become pervasive you know the user interface how we interact with things the user experience because HCI stands for human-computer interaction rate so that's it there's a term that was historically developed to understand how we as humans interact with with devices such as computers but but how do we how do we interact with right so as as more and more machines start to read our you know understand our talk and speech instead of being able to type out commands you know already the first wave of it went from us being requiring to write you know computer level code and compile I mean essentially low-level code to being able to write in a high level interpretive code then it went to us being able to write natural language and that getting interpreted with with natural language processing not chatbots and all of these other things are coming through the next obviously with google assistant to things like that they can now understand our voice in and see.

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