I don't think it's anyone reason and I don't think and this is why it's hard to see a way around the fact that these companies are going to fund change that their business it's because it's not one thing it's all of these factors and it's all of these factors coming together and having come together for quite a while that's finally being triggered by the fact that you know the macroeconomic conditions are dictating some of the more immediate business decay now we've kind of dissected all of that right but the real question is what does this mean for me is there a way out of all of this what do you as an individual does in light of all of this the obvious answer is getting skilled NASSCOM in it.

I guess in a recent report when they said that they believe that 40% of the tech and BPO workforce need to kill themselves over the next five years right for a sector where we believe there are about four million people that's 1.6 million people great so that's a lot of people that need to get these 16 lakh people that need to get pre skill 3 skilled obviously in terms of you know definition could be quite broad in some cases it means materially change what you do if you don't see a future for the kinds of skills and technologies and competencies that you built in other cases it might just mean repositioning and augmenting your skills with some other you know some of the other areas right.

I'm not necessarily there is no silver bullet to kind of solving this but we'll discuss how a couple of indicator things you could be doing a couple of things that have worked at our historically work that will almost certainly help bolster your career and make yourself secure in light of all of these uncertainties in the market number one and this is a little bit counterintuitive but you in light of automation taking away people's jobs you can actually be part of the solution and not the problem you can embrace automation if it's an inevitability you know what do you go and figure out how it works and try to be at the forefront of that you know that industry development.

I mean let's take the example of something that happened in the early 1900s right that electricity that kind of became probe it there was no electricity before that and for industrial electricity and between 1900 and 1950 industrial electricity was everywhere people went from horse-drawn buggies to garden and eventually planes and things like that what happened productivity went up it industrially oriented productivity went up things went from being handcrafted in small batches by a couple of very skilled individuals which meant that you know they could only produce 510 pieces of whatever it is that they were producing to being able to turn out hundreds overtime right and what ended up happening it's not like you know everybody starved and everybody and you know just didn't adapt at the whole world adapted people you know became part of the solution and they figured out you know.

How to be part of the industrial level and of the industrial transition if you went from you know being you know just a shoemaker or the flour mill grinder to understanding all the machinery works and then operating the machinery managing multiple pieces of machinery actually raising the productivity employing other people to do it right and that's part of you know the automation wave and this is a different kind of wave that we saw we're looking at a lot more process automation and things like that and and and and learning how to be on the forefront of that is actually a big positive and so the area is to seek out here the vertical axis automation testing automation these are things that a lot of you might already be working on but these are areas that you can almost certainly be on the forefront of a second thing that will hold you in good stead is learning to connect the dots right.

So increasingly single skills are becoming redundant right you know or at least they're making people insecure knowing how to do one thing in and how to do that one thing really really well you know what obviously that means that you are at the forefront of what you do in that one particular thing but what happens if you know if people figure out a way to mechanize that or automate that or you know basically do it cheaper and first at certainly your one single skill starts to become more of a detriment than an attribute right so in a nearly every report that talks about 21st-century skills will tell you that collaborative problem-solving is one of the first things that people should be taught in school whether it's in high school or college and that is an important skill to develop what does that mean.

If you are tangibly if you're working on a particular problem understanding you know what is the root of the problem you solve what is the business case why you solving this or there better ways of doing this how other people solve this combining a little bit of your own in kind of rigor with with with judgment on on your parts like looking for alternatives looking for other you know other ways of doing things that all of that helps right so collaborating with people you know becomes it is one of the one of the skills or the I guess the last standing skills that that that seems kind of you know on the path towards automation that seems like the hardest thing to address or to challenge so that's one thing that that you should definitely develop the third area I want to Accord it and this is extremely important I cannot emphasize this enough the importance of showing and not telling and increasingly this is starting to become the differentiator between somebody who's successful in the workforce especially during times of transition and somebody was not build a body of work when is a portfolio in you know when when times are good and everybody is employed you know.

You basically can go out and say I know this particular skill and people will you know use to hire you because you said you knew it and because Anya Reza man you had a certificate and and you know they hired you on the basis of that that's starting to become not you know not relevant and not the way people hire anymore especially in the more technical areas and especially in areas where you can actually display a demonstrate work what you're good at let me think about it when you're going and adding a wedding photographer you're not going to hire somebody who you know claims to have worked on a lot of things you look for a port for you when you go have an artist do the same thing when you go ahead a painter you do the same thing so you know why not for people who write code why not for people who develop projects find room for people who you know make business arguments and so build a portfolio and a portfolio is not necessarily but the obvious places to go and look for great portfolios are get happen and other code repositories like that which are public in and we can actually share that with people and but but that's no longer a differentiator I think that's become another ground standard that's the that's table stakes there are multiple other ways to do this.

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