In the IT industry, some of the companies are you know either you know cutting their staff or planning on reducing this they're hiring you to know while the numbers themselves may not be very eyes this is obviously you know thrown a curveball to a lot of people and a lot of people are concerned about what's in it for them and what does all this mean to them so I just wanted to share some of my thoughts and these are not necessarily you know my unique thoughts and obviously this is collated information from several conversations.

We've had with industry leaders with you know some of the senior management in the companies that are involved as well as students and alumni from our programs who are out in the workforce when were giving us real-time information from on the ground so this afternoon session on making it through this IT slope and making it through this lump on your own terms so that you're not just you know trying to survive you know the conditions you're actually thriving and you're setting yourself up for success and actually making the most of what's going on ideas so before we start I you know why am I uniquely placed to talk to you about this particular topic well a couple of reasons one way obviously as I mentioned is because we're close to the companies involved with close to you know some of those students and alumni who give us feedback on what's going on on the ground it.

You know both from a from an employee's perspective but also from a management and decision-maker perspective and on a more personal note it's because I've made a couple of career transitions myself you know over the last over a decade of taking it and a half you know worked in a couple of different industries each time I've had to you know not necessarily reinvent myself but you know change focus you know learn about a whole new area pick up a whole new set of skills and learn to adapt inside so in addition to you know giving you what is you know the common perspective and also on occasion share with me some of my own perspectives from my personal success and this is the doom and gloom scenario that you read about every day a part of it is probably some of it is overblown because you know honestly, it makes good news you know Infosys released you know a few thousand jobs in 2016 now the relief is is is should probably be in quotes.

We don't know what that actually means but more tangibly you know Wipro cognizant Tata Consultancy Services some of the big names that have been involved but it's not just them it's across the board, not just layoffs but some of them are looking to cut back on fresh hiring and the realignment of their business principles and so on you seen at all and I don't have to go through all of these different examples let's just put a couple of them up there you get the picture if you are probably involved in some of this and hence you're here tend to try and understand what you do why is this happening that's an important question you know every single article every single news piece and every single thought piece that you read about this will probably tackle it from a particular angle and I don't think there is one singular reason, to be honest, I think it's been a long time coming.

I honestly don't know what the future is going to be it might stand out with that it's got you know minimal impact all the companies attack very quickly and it doesn't feel material you change anything except for a few unfortunate people and on the other hand, it could actually completely transform the industry like we don't know the extent and you know how far it will go and how far-reaching the consequences are what we do know are some of the factors that lead to this right let's take you to know let's zoom all the way out one of the biggest reasons macroeconomics so immigration group issues in countries like the US Europe having tighter rules and foreign stars protectionism among all of these countries businesses being very cautious in light of all of this and these reasons are hard to ignore right I mean every one of the companies.

We're talking whatever book you know a significant portion of IT industry you know whether we like it or not I TPP you and all of these industries most of our business comes from a good right and what do we do when that happens you know we wait and see like what happens when we have a personal kind of crisis or uncertainty in our lives we you know hold back our spending we don't spend on anything new we don't make big investments we can hold back and just wait and see right and a lot of companies are doing just that in light of all of these macroeconomic conditions you wait and see how all of this pans up a second big reason is the changing business model apart from temporary macroeconomic conditions that there is a more fundamental shift from you know process oriented IT to more advanced technologies what are the what our clients and customers asking companies for you know it used to be a lot of process oriented stuff it will continue to be that for a couple of years but but slowly you can start to see the mix shifting towards more advanced technologies right.

To towards more products towards more solutions something that the emphasis see you shall see cuz this constantly said is you know product ization this is building not depending on you know the kind of business where you know a company wants X hundred people to come and sit and do a particular process that they think it is actually cheaper than to flew these companies but out but in actually giving them a problem to solve and hoping that either a product or solution will solve it and that is a fundamental thing that's changing that's happening right if you combine these things with the fact that historically we've had deep benches in all of these companies so there is a lack in the system what's the first thing that's going you know that's going to get cut it is this slack in the system right.

So in every one of these companies have always had you know some amount of bench strength what that means is that you can't have 100% utilization of everybody all the time you try to keep some people in reserve in the case or in anticipation of new business coming in sometimes you know it's not like you know just turning on or turning off a switch you need trained people on your payroll even if you know business is going through a slight slump or a slight slow period so you have lacked in the system like that's by design but in light of sustained uncertainties like what we're saying now that is one of the first places to look to you know cut the slack in the system and to cut down on the stuff.

So on and forth this is probably what you're reading about how I would venture to say 80% or more of all of the articles out there are probably taught more automation is the big piece of it a lot of repeatable processes you know things that that that people thought was you know once defined and then just go ahead and keep running it over and over again those are the first things to get outsource those are the first things to get to move away from you know from company's core operations into you know share those organizations technology service companies and so on and these are inevitably the first processes that will get automated right and are starting to get automatic to some extent some more intelligent tasks are getting automated as well.

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